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Please register with us before placing any orders to make sure that you will enjoy your shopping experience with us.

Not member ? Register

Please enter User name and Password that you have already registered. If this is your first time, you can click the "register" link and fill in the information required. You can bypass the registration process by using your facebook ID. Herb Basics will collect only basic data from your facebook account such as your name and your address in order to fulfill our requirment for shipping process.

If you have trouble logging in or if you enter an incorrect password during login, you can click the "forget password" link. Simply fill in your registered email address, enter the verification code that is provided and your password will be send to your email address. If yo.u forget the email use to log in to Herb Basics website, you can contact support at info@herbbasicschiangmai.com and we will do our best to assist you with the process.