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Mini Soap Jasmine

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Item no.:
Mini Soap Jasmine
Herb Basics Mini Soap is a clear glycerin Soap which are made from plant-based oils so it is natural and less likely to irritate your skin. Because the base is from plant, this makes glycerin soap vegan-friendly and a great option for people with sensitive skin. Glycerin can help lock in your skin's natural moisture and prevent over-drying.
At the same time, glycerin is non greasy. This means it's a good choice for anyone with oily or combination skin. Glycerin may also have anti-aging benefits. Moreover, the ingredient can help even out your skin tone and texture. This may reduce the appearance of fine lines and other surface blemishes.
Jasmine has a unique characterization of sweet, musky and green tropical flowers. Thai Jasmine is somewhat different than other countries. Thai Jasmine smelling is considered exotic, tenacious but still sensually light comparing to the Indians. We often use Jasmine for sacred ritual because it can emotionally calm our mind but nonetheless give us a sense of beautiful dreams.
Use as a facial soap or guest soap
3 x 8 x 9
Net weight:
25 g.
Gross weight:
45 g.
Product price:
29 Thai Baht
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